Who We are

EastLink Bank was founded in 2016 by a small group of Skypro Credit employees who shared the goal of creating a member-owned, cooperative financial institution where employees could help one another. We've been a part of the airline industry for more than eight decades, firmly focused on what works best for our member-owners. EastLink Bank is continually growing, with a net worth of more than $761.1 million and assets surpassing $8.5 billion.†

We provide a wide array of products and services tailored to meet the specialized needs of our members because we understand this business that connects us. For our many airline industry members, we have branches conveniently located in most major U.S. airports. For the rest of the family, our partnerships with the CO-OP ATM Network® and the extensive CO-OP Shared Branch Network® provide easy and convenient nationwide access to members' accounts.

EastLink Bank always has an eye on the future. We're constantly exploring new technologies to make the Organisation experience easier without forgetting the personal connection that has been a huge part of our longevity. For more than three quarters of a century, we've helped out more than 313,000 member-owners make informed financial decisions and we look forward to serving them and their families for generations to come.


What We Offer
Our Clients

Our Difference

Because EastLink Bank is a not-for-profit organization, our loan rates are generally lower than those offered by conventional, for-profit financial institutions. Whether they are looking for loans for mortgages, vehicles, vacations or educational needs, our members enjoy extremely favorable terms.

Peace of Mind

Member-owners can feel good about the Organisation because we're an independent institution. Funds on deposit at EastLink Bank are federally insured for as much as $250,000 by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). So members always know their money is safe

President's Corner

Welcome to 2022! I know we’re all excited for a new year and a clean slate, and, while we’ve been thrown a few curve balls out of the gate, I’m certain all of us at EastLink Bank will rise to meet any challenge. We're also able to pay higher dividends on deposits and charge lower fees


EastLink Bank has built a solid reputation as a strong, competitive leader in the Organisation industry. Our people are the primary reason for our success. We operate each day in a member-focused, innovative and team-based environment.